Vibesession Bubble?

I have a passion for data. When properly organized and presented, it speaks volumes, rendering arguments futile—the truth stands on its own. However, savvy marketers (and politicians) sometimes manipulate these numbers out of context to convey a different truth. That's where experience becomes invaluable.

This week, the NGCOA provided a wealth of data, aligning with our observations over the past year. The general public, while still apprehensive, seems less concerned, having endured a global event beyond their control. People are embracing the present, prioritizing unique experiences in their lives.

Simultaneously, the survey highlighted that 72% of golf operators feel the strain of rising expenses, particularly in providing for their families. The NGCOA terms this paradox of tightening daily budgets amidst occasional splurges as a "Vibesession." While I'm not enamored with the term, it does capture a nuanced reality.

The takeaway here is that the golf industry, along with other hospitality and entertainment sectors, is walking a tightrope. While enjoying prosperous times, there's an impending concern as rising costs may curtail discretionary spending. What happens then? It won't bode well.

To mitigate this, a relentless focus on enhancing the customer experience is essential. And that demands working smarter, not just harder. This is precisely where The Connected Course from CourseIQ comes into play.

Work Smarter. And see you on the tee box.


OK people, it’s time we had a chat


Four Day Work Weeks? MORE GOLF. MORE STRESS.